The Listening Room

Beyond 1-on-1 meetings, we host regular webinars to allow investors to question us on our portfolios and views on the broader universe.

India Capital Growth Fund: June 2024 Update

June 2024

In this special update, Elisabeth Scott, Chairman of the India Capital Growth Fund (IGC), interviews Fund Manager Gaurav Narain. Scott and Narain cover the recent Indian election, provide an overview of IGC’s portfolio and performance, and an outlook on investing in India.

HOODinar: Fund update with Gaurav Narain

January 2024

Catch up with India Capital Growth’s Gaurav Narain as he takes us through the India Capital Growth Fund, it’s background, philosophy and investment strategies.

Citywire Big Broadcast: Why India is stacked with growth

March 2023

India has augmented it’s demographic advantages with a breathtaking digitalisation programme that has paved the way for growth, says ICGF’s Gaurav Narain

Find out more about what is driving India’s growth to become the world’s third-biggest economy in seven years by watching this recording of Citywire’s virtual event with India Capital Growth.

HOODcast: Expectations from the Indian Market in 2023

February 2023

2022 was a great year for India in relative terms especially against other emerging markets. As we enter 2023, two questions dominate the thought process:

  • Will India be able to deliver on the earnings expectations (14-15% p.a.)?
  • Can the elevated valuations (both absolute and relative) be justified?

HOODinar: The next decade belongs to India, but is it a buy at any price?

December 2022

Ocean Dial’s Gaurav Narain shares his views on the the growth drivers for India, current valuations, global risks and how the India Capital Growth Fund is positioned currently.

AJ Bell Shares Investor Evening

September 2022

Ocean Dial’s David Cornell and Gaurav Narain speak at the recent AJ Bell Shares Investor Evening and discuss the long term investment case for India.

HOODinar: Whilst your back was turned…

September 2022

As a single country investment destination, India has “come of age”
In this latest HOODinar, Swati Jain and Gaurav Narain discuss why India has “come of age” and how the India Capital Growth Fund is positioned accordingly.

Mello Investment Trusts and Funds Conference

June 2022

David Cornell, Ocean Dial’s Chief Investment Officer, recently presented a mid-year review of the Indian Economy and the markets at the Mello Investment Trusts and Funds Conference.


May 2022

Our latest HOODinar moderated by James Crabtree, Jim Walker, Tanvi Madan, and Tridib Pathak debate India’s Russian ties, US-China rivalry and their implications on the India Investment story.


April 2022

In this HOODinar, David Cornell and Gaurav Narain discuss current opportunities and risks in the world’s fastest growing large economy.


December 2021

In our latest HOODinar, David Cornell, Gaurav Narain and Elisabeth Scott discuss the state of India’s economy, and the positive impacts that have happened since the pandemic started.

Where next for India’s equity investors?

October 2021

In our latest HOODinar, David Cornell and Gaurav Narain discuss “where next for India’s equity investors”

Mello Trusts and Funds

September 2021

David Cornell and Gaurav Narain present the investment case for India at Mello Trust and Funds’ virtual conference.

House of Ocean Dial Series – HOODcast

July 2021

In this month’s HOODcast, Gaurav Narain discusses industry leaders in the India Capital Growth Fund Portfolio, focusing on the textiles company, Welspun India.

Emerging as a pioneer in ESG and carving out a niche through product innovation, Gaurav discusses the exciting growth trajectory of this company, as well as touching upon some of the speed bumps it has met with along its journey.

House of Ocean Dial Series – HOODinar

July 2021

In our latest HOODinar, David Cornell discusses the state of India’s economy with Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Adviser to the Government of India. They consider the impact of Covid and current initiatives to reignite long-term growth.

House of Ocean Dial Series – HOODcast

May 2021

For our inaugural HOODcast, Tridib Pathak, Principal Advisor to the Gateway to India Fund, speaks on his views on style, referencing his recent note, A Tale of Two Stocks.

Tridib comments on the shortfalls of the terms ‘value’ and ‘growth’, what it is that causes a business to catch his attention, and why Sir Isaac Newton’s theories extend beyond the realms of science.

Covid-19: India’s second wave

April 2021

With India seeing 1 million new cases of Covid every three days and sombre reports in the press, Tridib Pathak and Amul Pandya discuss the recent wave of infections, the market’s reaction and the potential impact on our portfolio companies.

Investment led recovery rekindling India’s animal spirits

February 2021

Within the backdrop of the Budget and the improving economic environment, Amul Pandya, Head of Business Development, and Tridib Pathak, co-Head of Equities, discuss the prospective earnings growth for the Gateway to India Fund portfolio as well as the latest developments in India more broadly.

Early adopters are focusing on India once again

November 2020

Structurally under-owned and cyclically abandoned, India is set to deliver a positive shock to investors over the next three years, offering superior returns to investors willing to look beyond an Emerging Market catch-all.

ICGF – Cutting through the noise

September 2020

ICGF Chairman, Elisabeth Scott, and Fund Adviser, Gaurav Narain, offer an update on performance, portfolio changes, insight on the status of Covid-19 in India, and a broader market outlook.



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